instrumental hip hop beats

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In the world of western dance/music, if there is anything that has stayed like a true spell, that’s hip-hop style. Since its invention till today, its one of the most popular and widely performed style of dance. Both the singing and the dance forms of hip-hop has seen only growth in the last decade, getting huge acceptance by the youths especially. A traditional hip-hop track has two elements in it- the instrumental hip-hop beats and the vocal or rap part. While most of the composers do the rapping themselves only, some also like to do it different by mixing rap beats for sale on numerous beats’ selling sites. So, while we are wondering how an old genre like hip-hop still is doing so good and what should an aspiring hip-hop performer do to get himself out there, following are some points that discuss just that: –

  1. Degree of innovativeness: -The fact that hip-hop consists of rap and instrumentals which can be created differently in so many new ways, the ability to do free-styling without much preps makes hip-hop the favorite of all. Creating new ones using online rap beats for sale, there are indefinite no of creative ideas that one can try out in this genre.

This party's on fire

  1. Its more than just music: – Music has always influenced generations. But hip-hop has supposedly outdone every other music genre in causing an impacting influence. Be it the oversized hoodies, or that shiny glares tucked behind ears, the mere instrumental hip-hop beats have unintentionally created a fashion protocol native to hip-hop only, and we sure love it!

  2. The hip-hop dance: – If there’s any one reason behind hip-hop’s crazy popularity over the years, it’s undoubtedly the numerous TV dance reality shows. Freestyle rap, hipster hop, grime, G-funk, jazz rap, Miami bass, country rap, name it, and there’s a performance on it in any of the TV shows. Not everyone can be on So you think you can dance, but seeing the dancers groove to those amazing instrumental hip-hop beats has instilled the dream in many since years.


  1. Collaborations: – Didn’t you love that song Forever by Drake, Kanye West and Eminem? Yes, you did. That’s where the collabs do their trick. Some great musicians coming together, and getting few rap beats for sale from a widely-acclaimed music site, and the job’s done pretty well.

  2. Source of new beats: – Every time a new hip-hop track gets created, it also becomes a new source of beats to sample from. Though most sites buy the permission rights to store these instrumental hip-hop beats from their creators, some newbie artists also launch their rap beats for sale on these sites to get that extra penny with every sale or download.


  1. Big business for sites: – The rappers will rap and the sellers will sell it. That’s how it goes, for most. So it’s a big business opportunity for both the parties. However, big beats sampling sites like having clientage like Mtv and Fox channels have special regulations and licenses prior to buying the beats.

Therefore all the budding hip-hop artists, buckle up real well for making it big in this genre. As there are thousands out there in the same pursuit, taking note of the above points might be helpful in doing better than most.